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Doctors Blog: Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections?

Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections?

Visit The Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (COEM) to identify the root cause of yeast infection and get the required treatment. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 7510 North Forest Drive North Charleston, SC 29420.

Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections in Charleston, SC
Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections in Charleston, SC

Table of Contents:

Why does my yeast infection often comes back?
Can a yeast infection come back after your period?
Can stress cause yeast infection?
Symptoms of yeast infections
How can I stop getting yeast infections?
Treatment for yeast infection

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is a fungal infection. When the balance of bacteria and yeast cells in the vagina changes, the yeast cells can multiply and cause an infection. 3 out of 4 women can get a yeast infection at some point in their life. The yeast infection is not considered to be transmitted by sexual intercourse, but the risk of developing an infection is higher because bacteria can be introduced during sexual activity. Earlier diagnosis and treatment can cure yeast infections.

Read on to learn about yeast infection, their symptoms, and treatment.

Why does my yeast infection often comes back?

While 75% of women get one yeast infection in their lifetime, 8% of women get more than four a year. The fungus candida albicans causes most yeast infections. While other fungal types can also cause yeast infections, antifungal treatment is only effective for the infection caused by the candida albicans.

Here are a few reasons that contribute to acquiring yeast infections:

• If you use antibiotics often, you are more likely to get recurrent yeast infections. The number of good bacteria in your vagina can be decreased by using antibiotics frequently. This can allow the fungus candida to grow and increase your possibility of developing a yeast infection.
• Taking birth control pills can change the balance of good bacteria in your vagina, allowing more candida to grow and cause an infection.
• High blood sugar can promote the growth of fungus and cause an infection.
• Wearing tight or wet cloth creates a damp, warm place where yeast is more likely to grow.

Visit your doctor or healthcare provider to identify the root cause of yeast infection and get the required treatment.

Can a yeast infection come back after your period?

You can get a yeast infection after your period. Hormonal changes that you experience during the period could destroy the good bacteria in your vagina and cause a yeast infection.

Can stress cause yeast infection?

Chronic or severe stress can negatively impact your immune system and increase your risk of developing a yeast infection.

Symptoms of yeast infections

The common symptoms of a yeast infection include:

• Vaginal pain or burning during urination
• Redness
• Burning, pain, or itching in and around the vagina
• Swelling of the vagina or vulva
• Pain during intercourse
• Skin fissures or sores
• Vaginal rash
• A thick, whitish-gray vaginal discharge

Also Read – Yeast Eradication

How can I stop getting yeast infections?

You can stop getting a yeast infection by:

• Avoiding scented sprays and bath products
• Practicing good hygiene
• Wearing the right clothes
• Relaxing and reducing stress
• Following a proper diet
• Doing simple exercises
• Having 8 to 9 hours of sleep
• Avoiding certain medications that can change your hormonal balance

Also Read – Candida and Fungal Problems

Treatment for yeast infection

The type and course of yeast infection treatment vary depending on the frequency and severity of the infection. If you have infrequent infections and mild to moderate symptoms, your doctor might recommend:

Short-Course Vaginal Therapy
Your doctor will prescribe antifungal medication for 3 to 7 days to cure your yeast infection.

Single-Dose Oral Medication
Your doctor might prescribe a single-dose oral medication. If you have severe symptoms, you may take two single doses with a three-day interval. However, this medication is not recommended if you are pregnant.

For frequent yeast infections and severe symptoms, your doctor might recommend:

Long-Course Vaginal Therapy
Your doctor will prescribe antifungal medication for 2 weeks. After that, they will ask you to continue the same once a week for six months.

Multidose Oral Medication
If you have severe symptoms and are not pregnant, your doctor might prescribe 2 to 3 doses of oral antifungal medication.

Azole Resistant Therapy
Your doctor will recommend this therapy only if your yeast infection is caused by candida fungus.

Contact us if you are looking for expert treatment for yeast infections. Call us today. We serve patients from Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, Summerville, North Charleston SC, Ladson SC, Hanahan SC, James Island SC, John’s Island SC, Daniel Island SC, all of South Carolina, Nationally, and Internationally. Patients routinely fly into Charleston to be evaluated by COEM and to enjoy this beautiful city which is a Condé Nast and Travel and Leisure Top Domestic and International Tourist Destination.